in rail business

RTC is an experienced and international working specialist for railway vehicles and heavy equipment for industry, also involved in several other businesses as founder or financer. Our staff has decades of collective experience in the marketing and sales of technical products, even railway assets. Our connected Investors help to pull each project sitze well

RTC is on the way to become a leader in the railroad vehicle trading and brokerage. To know who has it and who need it at the right time is our daily job. We maintain the global network of contacts with a deep view into public and private enterprises and projects. RTC operates America's successful and rail related market platform
Worldwide Marketing Services
We are broker, trader, consultants or financers... what ever you need or want, we could be your
perfect partner at all. With our local sales representatives and sales manager in different countries we are
"face to face" with our clients and customers.
Railroads have played a transformational role in the development of the World,
revolutionizing transportation and catalyzing the countries economic development for more than 180 years and we think, that is still a big
challenge to put the world on the rail.
Send us a call, send us a email or fax and we will start the work for you.
we areIn the united states...
The Rapid Trading Company (RTC) and his headquarter is based in the USA. A great country with many investors and financers and all we need to grow with you.
...and around the world
Find our RTC sales representatives and offices in Europe, in Africa, Asia and South America. We are "face to face" with our customer and clients. We want to give the best service with an perfect team on your side. .
We are trading with any kinds of railroad assets, like locomotives, rail cars, maintenace vehicles, workshops, signaling, rails, spare and even rail tracks and buildings.
Buy or sell rail assets are only the halve story, you need capital.We provide experienced financer and investors for all your business sizes and projects, and also the rail assets you want
Americas Railway asset and Heavy Duty Equipment Trader
Come to us with any type of rail vehicle, rolling stock,
work cars, locomotives and rail / mining related equipment you have or wanted for purchase or lease.
RTC is your perfect one stop partner
use our asset market place!
Our platform was developed to streamline the daily operations of managing our business, while providing our sellers complete transparency into the sales and offering process. It also allows us to quickly sort through our database of then thousands of registered buyers to create a connection between the buyer and the asset. Once this connection is made, we can then sort those connections to invite only the most qualified buyers to participate in the offer.
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